Right channel

The right channel is the channel of activity (both mental and physical) and the future. When you act on your desires, your attention moves to the right channel.

Your right energy channel begins at the 2nd chakra (Swadisthan) and travels up the right side of your body, terminating on the left side of your brain. This area of ​​the brain in our subtle system is the ego, which gives you a sense of individualism. Things that you affect through your actions – for yourself or others – are a product of your attention on the right side.

Action and planning are the fundamental qualities of the right energy channel.

When you are physically active and dynamic, it is the right channel which supplies the energy for it. When you focus, plan or analyze things in your mind, it also fuels your mental activity

In its pure state, the right channel brings about dynamism and helps us act effectively with a still mind and in a joyful manner.

When we make excessive demands of energy from the right side, it makes the left side weak. As a result, our emotional side takes a back seat and the sense of joy evaporates. We become grouchy, irritable and even aggressive. Not very pleasant to be around.

Fortunately, awareness is the first step to correcting imbalance. You can meditate and utilize Sahaja Yoga meditation techniques to easily renew your state of calm and dynamism within.

Improving Meditation

Ice Pack

Are you feeling exhausted and exhausted? The liver is like an overheated running engine, constantly working to fuel the brain. Refresh your thoughts by meditating with an ice pack on your liver.